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Calm - When stress, anxiety, and an overactive mind need to be stilled, calm your soul with this bomb. Feel all your stress melt away as you inhale the smells of lavender, ylang ylang, roman chamomile, and neroli. The crescendo of aromatherapeutic scents ease your body while you reap the benefits of jojoba oil and epsom salt. These hand selected crystals inside the Calm Bomb aid in relieving anxiety, calm and sooth the body, and connect you to your higher self. In the midst of your stillness remember this mantra, inner peace creates outer peace.



- Jojoba oil leaves the skin soft and silky

- Epsom salt aids with body aches and pains

- Neroli oil uplifts and soothes the skin


*Each bath bomb is handcrafted with  a custom essential oil blend


* Each crystal infused bath bomb comes with a special note inside. Your unique note has the crystals name, chakras it aids with, properties, and an inspiring affirmation to make your bath time an experience, not just an ordinary bath.

New crystals are constantly added so you never know what crystal you will receive.

At Karmic Intentions we believe you don’t find the crystal, the crystal finds you when you need it.

CALM Crystal Infused Bath Bomb

  • Ingredients- Sodium Bicarbonate, corn starch, citric acid, epsom salt, jojoba oil, ylang ylang essential oil, roman chamomile essential oil, lavender essential oil, neroli essential oil, frankincense essential oil, black pepper essential oil, orange essential oil, grapefruit essential oil, water, red 33, blue 1

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